Static Mac


Copy and paste the following code into your project.
import Image from 'next/image'
import React from 'react'

type StaticMacProps = {
  imgurl?: string,
  text?: string

export const StaticMac = ({ imgurl , text }: StaticMacProps) => {
  return (
    <div className=''>
      <div className='w-[85%] max-w-[1280px] min-w-[320px] my-[10px] mx-auto h-auto self-start relative flex'>
        <div className='relative w-full max-w-[1280px] min-w-[320px] h-auto pt-[58.6%] m-0 bg-contain bg-center bg-no-repeat box-border'>
          <div className='absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 block w-[81.3%] h-[95.2%] mx-auto bg-gradient-to-r from-[#cfd0d1] via-[#cfd0d1] to-[#adadae] border border-[#e5e7e9] rounded-[3.1%/4%] z-[1]'>
            <div className='relative block w-[99.37%] h-[99.25%] m-[0.3%] z-[2] bg-[#262626] rounded-[2.75%/3.8%]'>
              <div className='relative block w-[99.5%] h-[99.2%] mx-auto mt-[0.4%] rounded-[2.8%/3.2%] z-[3] bg-[#010101]'>
                <div className='w-[0.62%] h-[0.95%] mt-[1%] mx-auto left-0 right-0 absolute rounded-full z-[5] bg-[#303132]'></div>
                <div className='absolute block w-[97.65%] h-[89.5%] mx-auto mt-[3.5%] left-0 right-0 bg-[#151515] overflow-x-hidden'>
                  <div className='w-full h-full bg-zinc-950 flex justify-center items-center'>
                    {/* <iframe src="" className="left-0 top-0 absolute w-[200%] h-[200%] border-0 scale-50 origin-top-left bg-red-400" allowFullScreen></iframe> */}
                   { imgurl ? <Image
                      className='flex justify-center items-center'
                    /> : <h1 className='font-semibold text-slate-400'> {text ? text : "BYTECODE"}</h1>}
                <div className='flex justify-center absolute w-full h-[4.9%] bottom-[0.15%] z-[3] bg-[#212121] rounded-bl-[2.5%] rounded-br-[2.5%]'>
                    className='relative block w-[7.4%] h-[32%] mt-[0.5%] bg-no-repeat bg-contain bg-center'
                        "url(\"data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' x='0px' y='0px' viewBox='0 0 145 20' %3E%3Cpath fill='%23D8D8DA' d='M0.5 0.6h2.67L9.6 16.23h0.08L16.11 0.6h2.67v18.55h-2.16V4.81h-1.05l2.51-3.7l-7.46 18.04H8.66L1.21 1.11 l2.51 3.7H2.66v14.33H0.5V0.6z M23.23 18.9c-0.67-0.33-1.19-0.81-1.56-1.41s-0.56-1.32-0.56-2.12v-0.03c0-1.14 0.42-2.05 1.27-2.73 c0.85-0.68 2.04-1.07 3.57-1.15l4.95-0.28v1.74l-4.69 0.28c-0.89 0.05-1.58 0.27-2.08 0.64c-0.49 0.38-0.74 0.88-0.74 1.5v0.03 c0 0.64 0.24 1.15 0.73 1.53s1.13 0.57 1.93 0.57c0.7 0 1.34-0.15 1.9-0.44c0.56-0.29 1.01-0.7 1.34-1.21 c0.33-0.51 0.49-1.09 0.49-1.74v-3.95c0-0.81-0.26-1.45-0.76-1.92c-0.51-0.47-1.23-0.7-2.17-0.7c-0.86 0-1.55 0.19-2.08 0.56 c-0.53 0.37-0.85 0.86-0.98 1.46l-0.03 0.12h-2.16l0.01-0.14c0.07-0.74 0.32-1.41 0.75-2.01s1.03-1.08 1.79-1.43 c0.76-0.36 1.67-0.53 2.71-0.53c1.05 0 1.96 0.18 2.73 0.54c0.77 0.36 1.36 0.87 1.78 1.52c0.42 0.66 0.63 1.43 0.63 2.32v9.24 h-2.24v-2.17h-0.05c-0.26 0.49-0.6 0.91-1.03 1.28c-0.43 0.36-0.91 0.65-1.45 0.85c-0.54 0.2-1.1 0.3-1.7 0.3 C24.67 19.4 23.9 19.24 23.23 18.9z M37.12 18.55c-0.93-0.57-1.65-1.38-2.15-2.42c-0.51-1.04-0.76-2.27-0.76-3.68v-0.01 c0-1.41 0.26-2.63 0.77-3.66s1.23-1.84 2.16-2.4c0.93-0.57 2.01-0.85 3.24-0.85c1.11 0 2.07 0.22 2.87 0.65 c0.8 0.43 1.43 0.99 1.88 1.68c0.46 0.69 0.73 1.41 0.83 2.17l0.01 0.1h-2.19l-0.03-0.1c-0.16-0.67-0.52-1.26-1.07-1.76 S41.36 7.5 40.38 7.5c-0.77 0-1.45 0.2-2.03 0.61c-0.58 0.41-1.04 0.98-1.36 1.72c-0.33 0.74-0.49 1.62-0.49 2.63v0.01 c0 1.04 0.17 1.92 0.49 2.66c0.33 0.74 0.79 1.3 1.38 1.7c0.59 0.39 1.27 0.59 2.04 0.59c0.92 0 1.66-0.23 2.23-0.7 c0.57-0.47 0.95-1.07 1.14-1.82l0.03-0.1H46l-0.01 0.09c-0.12 0.85-0.43 1.61-0.93 2.3c-0.5 0.68-1.15 1.22-1.94 1.62 c-0.79 0.4-1.7 0.6-2.71 0.6C39.15 19.4 38.05 19.12 37.12 18.55z M48.4 0.6h2.31v18.55H48.4V0.6z M49.56 17.1h5.5 c1.39 0 2.44-0.28 3.17-0.83c0.72-0.55 1.09-1.36 1.09-2.42v-0.03c0-0.72-0.17-1.32-0.5-1.8s-0.83-0.84-1.5-1.08 c-0.66-0.24-1.49-0.36-2.47-0.36h-5.28V8.59h4.63c1.37 0 2.42-0.27 3.14-0.8c0.72-0.53 1.09-1.3 1.09-2.3V5.47 c0-0.92-0.3-1.62-0.91-2.1c-0.61-0.48-1.47-0.73-2.6-0.73h-5.35V0.6h5.88c1.06 0 1.99 0.19 2.79 0.58c0.8 0.39 1.42 0.93 1.86 1.62 c0.45 0.69 0.67 1.5 0.67 2.43v0.03c0 0.64-0.15 1.26-0.44 1.84c-0.29 0.58-0.69 1.07-1.2 1.47c-0.51 0.4-1.08 0.65-1.72 0.74v0.05 c0.89 0.1 1.66 0.36 2.3 0.77c0.64 0.41 1.14 0.94 1.48 1.59c0.34 0.65 0.51 1.38 0.51 2.2v0.03c0 1.09-0.25 2.02-0.75 2.8 c-0.5 0.78-1.22 1.37-2.15 1.79c-0.93 0.42-2.06 0.62-3.38 0.62h-5.85V17.1z M66.26 18.56c-0.93-0.57-1.65-1.37-2.17-2.41 c-0.52-1.04-0.78-2.27-0.78-3.68v-0.03c0-1.42 0.26-2.65 0.78-3.68c0.52-1.03 1.24-1.83 2.17-2.39c0.93-0.56 2.01-0.84 3.23-0.84 c1.23 0 2.32 0.28 3.25 0.84c0.93 0.56 1.65 1.36 2.17 2.39c0.52 1.03 0.78 2.26 0.78 3.68v0.03c0 1.42-0.26 2.65-0.78 3.69 c-0.52 1.04-1.24 1.84-2.17 2.4c-0.93 0.57-2.01 0.85-3.24 0.85S67.19 19.12 66.26 18.56z M71.57 16.84 c0.58-0.39 1.03-0.96 1.35-1.7c0.32-0.74 0.48-1.63 0.48-2.68v-0.03c0-1.05-0.16-1.94-0.48-2.67s-0.78-1.3-1.36-1.68 C70.97 7.69 70.29 7.5 69.5 7.5c-0.77 0-1.45 0.19-2.04 0.59c-0.59 0.39-1.04 0.95-1.37 1.68c-0.33 0.73-0.49 1.62-0.49 2.67v0.03 c0 1.05 0.16 1.94 0.49 2.68c0.33 0.74 0.78 1.31 1.37 1.7c0.59 0.39 1.27 0.59 2.06 0.59S71 17.23 71.57 16.84z M80.24 18.56 c-0.93-0.57-1.65-1.37-2.17-2.41c-0.52-1.04-0.78-2.27-0.78-3.68v-0.03c0-1.42 0.26-2.65 0.78-3.68c0.52-1.03 1.24-1.83 2.17-2.39 c0.93-0.56 2.01-0.84 3.23-0.84c1.23 0 2.32 0.28 3.25 0.84c0.93 0.56 1.65 1.36 2.17 2.39c0.52 1.03 0.78 2.26 0.78 3.68v0.03 c0 1.42-0.26 2.65-0.78 3.69c-0.52 1.04-1.24 1.84-2.17 2.4c-0.93 0.57-2.01 0.85-3.24 0.85C82.25 19.4 81.17 19.12 80.24 18.56z M85.55 16.84c0.58-0.39 1.03-0.96 1.35-1.7c0.32-0.74 0.48-1.63 0.48-2.68v-0.03c0-1.05-0.16-1.94-0.48-2.67 c-0.32-0.74-0.78-1.3-1.36-1.68c-0.59-0.39-1.27-0.58-2.06-0.58c-0.77 0-1.45 0.19-2.04 0.59c-0.59 0.39-1.04 0.95-1.37 1.68 c-0.33 0.73-0.49 1.62-0.49 2.67v0.03c0 1.05 0.16 1.94 0.49 2.68c0.33 0.74 0.78 1.31 1.37 1.7c0.59 0.39 1.27 0.59 2.06 0.59 S84.97 17.23 85.55 16.84z M92.1 0.6h2.24v18.55H92.1V0.6z M93.83 11.68h0.55l5.86-5.9h2.71l-6.34 6.31h-0.18l-2.61 2.49V11.68z M95.45 12.76l1.49-1.49l6.2 7.88h-2.6L95.45 12.76z M110.44 0.6h2.31v18.55h-2.31V0.6z M111.6 10.47h4.86 c1.33 0 2.36-0.35 3.09-1.04c0.73-0.69 1.09-1.64 1.09-2.86V6.55c0-1.23-0.36-2.18-1.09-2.87c-0.73-0.69-1.76-1.03-3.09-1.03h-4.86 V0.6h5.45c1.17 0 2.19 0.25 3.09 0.75c0.89 0.5 1.59 1.19 2.1 2.08S123 5.35 123 6.52v0.03c0 1.17-0.26 2.21-0.76 3.11 s-1.21 1.6-2.1 2.11c-0.89 0.51-1.92 0.76-3.09 0.76h-5.45V10.47z M125.31 5.78h2.24v2.26h0.05c0.22-0.77 0.61-1.38 1.16-1.84 s1.2-0.68 1.95-0.68c0.2 0 0.37 0.01 0.53 0.03c0.16 0.02 0.28 0.04 0.37 0.06v2.17c-0.09-0.03-0.24-0.06-0.46-0.09 s-0.46-0.04-0.74-0.04c-0.57 0-1.08 0.13-1.51 0.39c-0.43 0.26-0.77 0.63-1 1.11c-0.24 0.48-0.35 1.07-0.35 1.74v8.25h-2.24V5.78z M135.07 18.56c-0.93-0.57-1.65-1.37-2.17-2.41c-0.52-1.04-0.78-2.27-0.78-3.68v-0.03c0-1.42 0.26-2.65 0.78-3.68 c0.52-1.03 1.24-1.83 2.17-2.39c0.93-0.56 2.01-0.84 3.23-0.84c1.23 0 2.32 0.28 3.25 0.84c0.93 0.56 1.65 1.36 2.17 2.39 c0.52 1.03 0.78 2.26 0.78 3.68v0.03c0 1.42-0.26 2.65-0.78 3.69s-1.24 1.84-2.17 2.4c-0.93 0.57-2.01 0.85-3.24 0.85 S136 19.12 135.07 18.56z M140.38 16.84c0.58-0.39 1.03-0.96 1.35-1.7c0.32-0.74 0.48-1.63 0.48-2.68v-0.03 c0-1.05-0.16-1.94-0.48-2.67c-0.32-0.74-0.78-1.3-1.36-1.68c-0.59-0.39-1.27-0.58-2.06-0.58c-0.77 0-1.45 0.19-2.04 0.59 c-0.59 0.39-1.04 0.95-1.37 1.68c-0.33 0.73-0.49 1.62-0.49 2.67v0.03c0 1.05 0.16 1.94 0.49 2.68c0.33 0.74 0.78 1.31 1.37 1.7 c0.59 0.39 1.27 0.59 2.06 0.59S139.8 17.23 140.38 16.84z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E\")"
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crafted by mahendra